Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Getting Ready

In the launch meeting we provided you with an overview of the program and some homework to complete to get started. You will find the recording of the launch meeting at the end of this lesson for you to review if you choose. Below are critical links and information that you will need to get completely setup in the course.

Assessments and Tools:

The first step is to launch all of your assessments immediately. The Myers-Briggs and the FIRO-B are self assessments that will be available once you complete the online surveys.

The Emotional Social Intelligence Inventory (ESCI) is a 360 degree feedback instrument that you must launch immediately to get feedback by the 19th of June.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator and FIRO-B

Please click on the link above to access the two self assessments. Each will take about 20 minutes to complete. The Myers-Briggs (MBTI) is a widely accepted personality profile., This version of the MBTI is a much deeper exploration of your personality profile than the standard MBTI. It is especially relevant to Leadership Development.

The FIRO-B or Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Index-Behavior will provide feedback on how you manage your interpersonal needs. This particular version combines with the MBTI to provide a Leadership Report that combines the feedback from the two instruments.

Korn Ferry Emotional and Social Intelligence Index (ESCI)

  1. Please check your emails on May 28th for an email from Korn Ferry to access the ESCI. If don’t receive instructions, email Charlie at: ChasTweed@gmail.com
  2. Follow the instructions and access ESCI via their secure, confidential website.
  3. Select your raters and contact each personally to get their commitment to complete the survey no later than June 19th. Assure them that the survey is totally anonymous.
  4. Choose your raters and set them up on the website by June 4th.
  5. Send out the survey to your raters June 4th.
  6. Complete your self assessment.
  7. Track progress on the assessment and follow up with your raters to complete the ESCI by June 19th.


Perusall is a social e-reader platform. It will allow the group to read and discuss reading assignments collaboratively. Here is a video that describes the tool and its usefulness. Please keep in mind that the video is aimed at its use in a Higher Education environment. We will not be grading your comments. But the video is a good overview of how Perusall works.

Perusall Overview

Please click on the Perusall link and create an account. When prompted enter the following course code to gain access to course readings: TWEEDLY-D2J6T

Your first reading assignment is already loaded: Moments of Greatness: Entering the Fundamental State of Leadership by Robert E. Quinn. Please complete this reading by June 3rd.

Please post any comments or questions in the Response Section below.
