The Left Hand Column Copy
To introduce the concept of The Left Hand Column and the other tools we are going to watch a series of videos that illustrates the problems we encounter in difficult conversations and how each of the tools (The Left Hand Column, Ladder of Inference and Balancing Advocacy and Inquiry) can be utilized to improve the quality of our conversations.
For this activity please download the document on The Left Hand Column below. You can read the instructions, either before or after the this lesson. You will need to complete the worksheet before our next Zoom meeting.
Introducing Adam and Nancy
Please watch the following video on The Left Hand Column. In the video we will meet Adam and Nancy who are having a difficult conversation about a supplier who is late with a delivery of critical parts.
In the video, neither Adam or Nancy shared what was in their left hand column. In Adam’s case he is totally focused on crisis management – get the parts here or face a shut down. His past experience with Maguire seems relevant here. He feels that if they don’t get the part’s McGuire should be punished. Adam assumes that Nance clearly understood what he was thinking. (Remember the Blind Man and the Elephant)
There are consequences in the unspoken assumptions and feelings that Adam is holding in his left hand column.
- He assumed Nancy was incapable of being tough enough to get results
- He gave orders like a commanding general
- He never once asked Nancy for her input
- He monitored the situation very closely
- His actions eroded Nancy’s self-confidence
Nancy also did not share what was in her left hand column. Why?
- Adam didn’t give her an opportunity to say anything
- She wasn’t confident about voicing here opinion without being asked
- She didn’t see any point in arguing with her boss
In this next clip Adam and Nancy talk about their impressions of their earlier conversations. As you watch jot down what each person believes about how clear their earlier conversations were. As you watch the video reflect on this question: Do Adam and Nancy believe that what they said during the conversation was clear to the other person?
In addition, this video will introduce an important concept called “Mental Models.”
There are many factors that can prevent us from sharing our left hand column. Take a look at the list below and note any that you have experienced as an obstacle to sharing your left hand column.

Much of what we store in our left hand column can be imagined as a kind of toxic waste. If we just bury it, it builds up over time and eventually it will leak out and damage the relationship further. If we let it simmer too long it may lead to dumping it in an angry outburst that will severely pollute the relationship and possibly the work climate. Not being able to discuss what is in our left hand column can have real consequences for the individuals involved and for the organization as well. Let’s take a look at the consequences for Adam, Nancy and the Company.
There is only one way to deal with toxic waste. You have to find a way to reprocess it – by examining and testing what’s in your left hand column and helping others to do the same, in a safe and non-threatening way. Let me offer an example.
Fred was a senior manager of production at Ford Motor Company. Steve was one of his production managers. Fred had been hearing from the grapevine that Steve was putting in a lot of extra hours in the office, sometimes working to very late in evening. This concerned Fred and he began to suspect that maybe Steve was a bit overwhelmed by his new position. Fred decided to check on Steve. He dropped by his office to casually ask how he was doing. Steve said, “really well, thank you. Everything seems to be running smoothly. No problems.” Now Fred is growing more concerned – and after a few probing questions with no further answers he began to take his leave. Steve could tell that there was something else on Fred’s mind that he wasn’t sharing. All of the members of Fred’s team had been through the Team Learning Lab process so they were familiar with the tools. Steve simply said, “Fred – I am sensing that there is something in your left hand column – would you like to share it?”
Fred sighed and explained about what he heard about all the extra hours he was working and that he was concerned that maybe he was a bit overwhelmed by the new job. Steve chuckled and said, “Absolutely not. I am completing my MBA and I have a bunch of papers to write. Working at home with the kids running about makes it difficult. I just find I can get more done working in the office without distraction. I should be back to a normal schedule at the end of semester.” By asking the Left Hand Column question he gave permission for Fred to express his truth and to discover that his assumptions were wrong. Consequences avoided.
Topic Completion
Please take the time to fill out The Left Hand Column Worksheet steps 1-3. We will be using these worksheets during our next Zoom Session.
Second, please post a comment, insight or question regarding The Left Hand Column lesson below.